By Zoë Brown
I love music. I will always be on campus with my headphones on blaring anything from rap to country to EDM. Music to me is therapy, it is a way for me to escape the reality outside of my headphones. One of my favorite artists is Chris Lake, the mastermind behind Turn Off the Lights, Boneless, and Free Your Body just to name a few. For this blog, I want to capture that fun, electric energy and create different ways you can free your mind, soul, and body. So put on some groovy tunes and settle in as we are about to get deep and slightly hippy.
Let go of negative energy in your life. You are such a light, don’t let anyone dull you.
Take a social media break. Live in the moment, take in everything around you.
Feel your emotions, let them be loud and proud
Talk about why you feel the way you feel, let it out
Journal- there’s a person that is getting on your nerves? Write it down, get it out on paper, then crumple it and throw it away
What is in the past is in the past
Change is inevitable
It’s ok to be not ok
Surround yourself with laughter
AFFIRMATIONS- I am smart, I am kind, I am beautiful
Listen to music
Dress for yourself- don’t let other people affect your choices
Live in the moment
Pay more attention to the little things- take in all that is around you
Put energy out that you would want to receive
Your body is your temple.
Treat your body with kindness and thoughtfulness
Eat the food you want to eat when you want to eat
Don’t overwork yourself. Listen to your body when it tells you it has had enough
Meditate: no like I am serious. Put on a meditation podcast before you go to bed, trust me.
Go outside and be one with nature
Take a shower
Every body is beautiful